
tweeting about my breakfast

this week on several different NPR programs, there were jokes about people tweeting, facebooking or blogging about their breakfasts. somehow the idea of sharing information about our breakfast is an especially inane impulse. that said I want you to take a look at that picture above this text. that is what my breakfast looked like this morning while I was on the phone with my sister.

there is an enormous amount of information and misinformation about my life in this little slice.

the time of day I am having breakfast? this guy must have had some wild night because he is sleeping so late (no.)

the paper newspaper? this guy is way over 30(no.)

access to a nice camera, french press coffee maker, and chess board? total yuppie kid (yeah, probably.)

his mug says Tampa? so he must be happy about the rays winning(yes.)

EVK cup? this guy is a total klepto
(well, it was localized upon one central los angeles cafeteria,
but yeah.
it was a skill honed in the wilds of maine.
12oz cups are, in fact, a privilege.

(this answer doubles as a haiku to my adolescence) )

is that a recreation of the famous game when Andrew beat his brother in online chess? I've always been his biggest fan. (thanks, my games with friends name is slow owls)

The recently neglected track of the day: On the Radio - Regina Spektor (I think even my music disliking sister would like this song)

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