
I miss the sun.

(the view from my jog yesterday)

The last few days here in Los Angeles it has been overcast. Not in the California its-cloudy-so-let's-call-it-overcast way, but as in real total overcast. No sun. It is like constant civil twilight from Santa Barbara southward. I saw the sun in the valley on Tuesday as I walked across the Haskell Elementary schoolyard, but by the time I got out of my class. It was gone. All this darkness has a weird effect on a boy from Florida. When I sat down and thought about it today this might be the longest prolonged darkness I have ever experienced. It is taking a physical toll on me too, I have been having bouts of dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, trouble sleeping, all of which I directly attribute to my lack of sunlight. Tonight I made myself dinner, and was sitting listening to a hockey game, when I got very sleepy so I decided to rest my head on my table while I listened to the post game show. Next thing I knew I was waking up to a random commercial about a furniture store in Dale Mabry in Tampa.

I might also have some horrible cancer that is undiagnosed, but I dont go to doctors because when I do they convince me that I have mono. or worse.

Not enough sun or terminal cancer? you decide.

unrelated: my good friend, high school valedictorian, and columbia graduate Anna Wood is published in Line Zero next month for her short story "Tandem" you can pre order here

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