

So, I need this written somewhere as a sort of copyright. Weeks ago I was watching Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck (my roommate and I are sending fan mail in hopes of being mentioned on-air) and they both had off handed comments about 'NPR-like bias' and casual chatter about cutting funding toward NPR. Ignoring the fact that the bulk of NPR's operating cost are covered by members, unlike, say, Fox News. NPR also somehow still manages to do more in depth and comprehensive coverage than Fox News, I also find it to be more than coincidence how the NPR 5pm news break during All Things Considered is often identical to the 10pm Fox News news break, maybe Rupert Murdoch could learn something from Terri Gross. Sure enough soon thereafter Fox News got it's fight with NPR that is was looking for in the form of Juan Williams, a former NPR commentator and recipient of a new $2 million contract at Fox News when he made off color statements on Fox News. NPR deemed these comments inappropriate and fired Williams promptly, whether or not this is justified is up for debate, it surprised me that he was fired since NPR has to be smart enough to know it would be engaging in direct conflict with Fox News. NPR is unfortunately very ripe very low hanging fruit due to public fervor against 'media bias' and a deep seated mistrust of how the government uses its funds.

Needless to say, I'm just saying I called this controversy weeks ago, but I could feasibly pick a more annoying topic for Fox News to squabble over a week before midterm elections.

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