
nancy can ride her vespa

so, I've heard when big guys(myself being 5'10" have to rely on the testimony of others) walk into bars or are just out in public* in general, people threaten to fight them more often than their shorter counterparts. as aforementioned, since I am regular size I do not get this type** of aggressive attention (except in the la cienega coffee bean parking lot). since I have announced I am a chess teacher though, everyone who meets me quickly says, "oh I should play you" or the weirder, "my boyfriend is russian***, you should play him."

some People just say they didnt know that was a job.

some Just want to talk about owls.

some Ask why I spilled their coffee.

some Questions arent even related to chess.

people just ask questions.****

*by far the coolest link.
**not as cool as retro publix.
***not as cool as movable type.
****anyone need any postage?

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